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Adherence level evaluation to inhalers in outpatients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from Carlos Andrade Marin Hospital (in Spanish)Saraguro Ramirez, Byron Leonel; Hoyos Paladines, Rodrigo Amado; López Merino, María Fernanda
Advertising of open data by the electoral high court: the case of the Electoral Data Repository (in Portuguese)Silva, Márcio Bezerra da; Azevedo, Rafael Fernandes de Barros Costa; Araújo, Denise de Oliveira; França, Fernanda Percia; Pereira, Marilete da Silva
Analysis of the literature on peruvian rupestre art (in Spanish)Urbizagástegui-Alvarado, Rubén
Apically extruded debris using reciprocating single file and additional use of MaxWire alloy fileMachado, Amanda Marques; Lima, Carolina Oliveira de; Oliveira, Natália Felizardo de; Santos, Amara Eulalia Chagas; Risso, Patrícia de Andrade
Are the autistic people at the Covid-19 risk group? An applied plausibility to dental healthLima, Fernando José Camello de; Santos Júnior, Valdeci Elias; Lemos, George Azevedo; Oliveira-Neto, Olavo Barbosa de; Lima, Christiane Calheiros Farias de
Assistance for people with chronic wounds during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil (in Portuguese)Andrade, Paula Gabriela Ribeiro; Spira, Josimare Aparecida Otoni; Borges, Eline Lima; Frison, Susiane Sucassas
Association between anxiety and the presence of non-carious dental cervical lesionsFerreira, Pablo Raul Cavalcante; Queiroz, Eduardo da Cunha; Santana, Gabriela Soares; Lima, Karlos Eduardo Rodrigues; Fante, Alessandra Marangoni; Lemos, Marcelo Victor Sidou; Mendes, Talita Arrais Daniel
Audiovisual narratives of newspapers in Brazil under experimentation course (in Portuguese)Paes, Paula de Souza; Aciolly, Gil
The brazilian bibliometrics and the diffusion of innovations model (in Spanish)Urbizagástegui-Alvarado, Rubén; Restrepo-Arango, Cristina
Cartography of Joy: meetings between Clowns and Psychodrama (in Portuguese)Bruhn, Marília Meneghetti
Child literature and ideology: from unpolitical school movement to pedagogy of irony (in Portuguese)Alcântara, Guilherme Gonçalves; Silva, Aline Mariane Ladeia
Chloroquine and hydroxichloroquine: potentially inappropriate medications for older people? (in Portuguese)Gorzoni, Milton Luiz
Comparison of antibiotic therapy in complicated appendicitis in pediatrics. Preliminary report (in Spanish)Ascanio, Wuilian; Ríofrio, Priscila; Mier Jiménez, Jorge; Cáceres, Freud
Comprehensive evaluation of the patient with obesity candidate for bariatric and endocrine metabolic surgery (in Spanish)Vargas Córdova, Ronnal Paricio; Arias Trujillo, Adriana del Consuelo
Conservative Treatment of postoperative chylothorax in pediatric patients (in Spanish)Salgado Andino, Carlos Alberto
COVID-19 and Dentistry: Analysis of available information on a virtual platform. A descriptive and observational studyMecler, Natan; Senna, Thiago; Tholt, Beatriz; Lima Junior, Josué; Ferreira, Dennis de Carvalho
COVID-19: Is it possible to define the aerosol clearance time after dental health care?Maia, Adriane Batista Pires; Reis, Vanessa Paiva; Bezerra, Adriana Raymundo; Conde, Danielle Castex
COVID19, why was Canada more effective in communicating through Social Media than Brazil?Paulino, Rita de Cássia Romeiro
Dentin bond strength of resin-modified light-curable calcium-silicate-based materialFares, Raissa Dias; Carvalho, Nancy Kudsi; Prado, Marina Carvalho; Souza, Erick M.; Senna, Plinio Mendes; Leal da Silva, Emmanuel João Nogueira
Depression, socio-family factors and physical dependence in elderly aged in a hospital in Quito (in Spanish)Calderón Masón, Diego Fernando; Calderón Suasnavas, Gabriela Fernanda; Calderón Suasnavas, Vanessa Alexandra